Felting is always like an experiment and outcome is a little bit unpredictable. Curiously, producing felt material only requires a slither of wool , hot water and basic natural soap. The natural animal fibres open up from water and heat becoming interlocked as agitated in the washing process and pressing by hand to creates the unique dense felt fabric. The process takes hours - there is no glue involved - simply the repeated agitation which makes animal hair to lock together.

Different wool types produce different felt which gives a fascinating and unique textural and structural effects for each fascinating piece. Only certain types of fibre can be wet felted successfully.


"Wool is an amazing material to work with. Felt is very flexible, tactile, dimensional, but not well known and unluckily rarely used by artists. Different wet felting technics used in the same time may give the result effect of mixed media art without being it. It was impossible for me not to fall in love with it." - Dana Valeins